Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My personal thoughts on this race...

Until today, my blog posts have been basically a dissection of poll numbers and policy issues that have highlighted the Connecticut Senate race between Attorney General Richard Blumenthal and former WWE CEO Linda McMahon. Today, I want to share how I feel about this race because after all this is a blog and blogs are not actually news even though so many think that they are. So, I hope that this is not viewed as a diversion from my usual posts, but an assertion of what I think is the true state of this race.

I first want to start off by noting that this election is one that is highlighted by voters who are rightfully upset with the economy and the high unemployment rate in America. So, many people think that because the Democrats haven't changed the economy in two years when it took 8 years to topple, that the Republicans probably have the answer to our economic quagmire. Let us not forget that the reason we are in this predicament is because for 8 years of Republican rule, we saw the priorities of big business favored over those in the middle class. The notion that if we let big corporations run amok and the money will "trickle down" to the masses has proven to not work. Corporate profits for the top officials have risen while the middle class has diminished because we have allowed businesses to ship manufacturing jobs that were the heart of our middle class to foreign countries in the name of corporate profit. There must be some government interference in business if we are to restore an economy that doesn't reward corporate greed, but punishes it. An economy that has big corporations, but doesn't allow their monetary advantages to drown out all other small businesses from competing. So who do we want to protect our interests in this next election?

Linda McMahon is running on her name recognition as the former CEO of the WWE and how as a savvy businesswoman she took the WWE from a faltering business to one of the largest corporations in America. I applaud Mrs. McMahon for her perseverance and success in this nature, but she wants to say that she is just an average American and knows how to create jobs for the middle class. Yet, if you were to purchase any WWE merchandise I'd be quite sure you wouldn't find the words "Made in America" on the label. So, for someone who complains of such a high tax bracket that forces her to ship jobs (that could support American families) to places like China and Indonesia and then spends $20 million on her campaign and is willing to spend more, Linda McMahon presents a peculiar juxtaposition of who she is. Is she the average Jane who supports the middle class or is she the corporate titan that can spend $20-30 million dollars out of pocket to fund her campaign for the United States Senate? This makes me furious because a man like Dick Blumenthal has dedicated his life to serving the interests of the middle class and is still being challenged on the legitimacy of his proven track record of middle class support. While at the same time, Linda McMahon has millions of dollars to play fast and loose with and is now a viable candidate. Change takes time and it will still be a while before our economy is in full recovery, but if we elect people like Linda McMahon to the Senate we will see a fast return to the policies that put our economy in this position. Thank you for listening to my ramble, but I felt it needed to be said.

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