Thursday, October 28, 2010

Final polling data/analysis and Hulk Hogan T-Shirts

My final blog post prior to Election Day 2010 is mainly focusing on polling data and why I believe the numbers are where they are. Also, I will discuss the story grabbing National headlines about whether or not WWE merchandise is considered campaigning at the polls.

To Begin with, the state of the race is looking quite favorable for Mr. Blumenthal who is experiencing leads from 7 to 18 points in 4 separate polls; 3 of which are double digit and outside the margin of error. With leads like this many may think that this race is all but over, and I may be slightly guilty of that myself. However, the key to a come from behind victory for Linda McMahon lies in the fact of whether she can Get Out The Vote better than Blumenthal can. She does have the financial excess to mount a surge of paid canvassers, direct mailers, and T.V. ads to mount a surge, but with deficits in the polls like she is facing, it will be hard to rally support from the Republican base. As I mentioned early on in the race, being the underdog can help for some candidates because it sparks a sense of urgency in their supporters. However, it can also have the reverse affect and disenfranchise potential volunteers who do not want to dedicate their free time to a lost cause. As far as an analysis of how the polls have shifted throughout the past 2 months, the closest McMahon has ever come to Blumenthal is being down by 4 points and within the margin of error. Yet, that occurred at the same time the "Vietnam Service Scandal" broke into the news. I understand that they keyed in on the faux pas not too long after it happened, but it seems that they used up this game changing gaffe far to soon in the race. Instead of sling-shotting into the front and building momentum the final month (which I'm sure was the McMahon strategy) they used their "October Surprise" far too early and left her campaign flat for the final stretch. I believe that if she could have found a better way to frame herself as a fresh face politician, she may have been able to sustain momentum and compete more heavily in this election.

I hate to bring up issues that infuriate me this campaign cycle like: "Aqua Buddha," "I'm not a witch, I'm you," or "second amendment remedies," but the new notion that if someone wears a WWE shirt to the polls, it is the same as wearing a political t-shirt. To me, this is simply ridiculous. If anything, it will help Mr. Blumenthal because everyone will realize the circus that McMahon cites as her greatest achievement and best political attribute. These types of stories make me sick because instead of talking about the issues that really matter to people like the economy, environment, and education, we find ourselves discussing the latest political controversy that has nothing to do with politics or benefiting ourselves as a collective people. I truly hope that at some point Americans wake up and refuse to listen to, or promote this type of garbage as politics. However, as long as Reality T.V. reigns supreme and the uneducated grow in numbers, these meaningless arguments and attacks are going to be the basis of decision making in our representative government. Thank you for your time and have a great day.

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