Tuesday, September 7, 2010

State of the Race (Polls)

The Rasmussen Poll that was published on August 11 showed that Blumenthal held a lead over McMahon by a margin of 47% to 40%. Do note that in many cases the raw numbers of polls at this point in an election are not as important as the shifts in numbers that occur. Many voters remain undecided and new stories break seemingly daily, so polls can change quite a bit in a short period of time.

The Quinnipiac University Poll shows the largest lead of any poll with Blumenthal leading 50% to 40% over McMahon and was published on August 4. However, University polls can sometimes have a slant depending on who inside the University conducts them. Yet, it can't be forgotten that even if this poll is skewed the numbers published in the Quinnipiac Poll could likely affect sentiment for both parties in the sense of volunteers and donations if they feel their candidate is either in trouble or running away with the race.

So as of today, the poll numbers show Blumenthal winning the race by a margin of 8-9 percentage points. However, like I mentioned previously, the polling numbers could help or hurt both candidates. For Blumenthal, he may see a surge in donations and volunteerism because he looks to be a winner OR he could see a decline in both because voters feel he is running away with it. The same can be said about McMahon who could lose donations and volunteers beacuse people don't want to donate their time and money to a loosing cause OR it could give them a sense of urgency to help close the gap and make the race even more competitive come Novemeber. Regardless of the polling numbers, there is a long time between now and November 2, so we may very well see these numbers shift several times in either direction. What the result of these shifts are will be seen over time.

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